Village Elementary School


Welcome Village Elementary School band parents and students.

Ms. Housten and Dr. Goldman have selected the following accessories for students to help them to have a successful year. Some accessories are refills for when your child needs more reeds (clarinet or saxophone) or oils (brass instruments). Others, are helpful as your child advances.

When purchasing reeds, please make sure that you purchase the correct strength.  At the beginning of the year, both clarinet and saxophone players should purchase one box of strength 2.5. Most saxophone players will stick with the 2.5 reeds for the entire school year, but a few will change to a different strength.  Clarinet players change reed strengths more frequently, with most students moving to a strength 3 by the time they need a 2nd box of reeds.  As your child becomes more comfortable learning about reeds, Ms. Housten will be explaining to them what strength they need as they advance, but if your child seems unsure, please check in with Ms. Housten for clarification