Crossroads North MS Percussion Package

Crossroads North MS Percussion Package

$153.91 $129.95

Included Products:

Vic Firth American Custom SD1 General Drumsticks

Vic Firth General Timpani Mallets

Vic Firth Multi-App Med Yarn Sync Core Keybrd Mallets

Vic Firth Standard Drumstick Bag

Vic Firth American Custom Mallets Med Hard Rubber

South Brunswick's Crossroads Middle School teachers have selected these items for any incoming percussion student. Kit includes a stick/mallet bag, Vic Firth T1 Genereal Timpani mallets, Vic Firth M5 Keyboard Mallet, Vic Firth M182 Cord wrapped Keyboard Mallets, and a pair of Vic Firth SD1 snare drum sticks.